Wise words from us

Read our latest blog posts, company news and media articles.

Hahei Beach

Antarctica to Aotearoa: Climate risks

In this session, Professor Tim Naish from Victoria University of Wellington discusses his research on the effects of climate change on Antarctica. Despite being the coldest continent, Antarctica is experiencing some of the fastest warming rates. This webinar will provide valuable insights into the impacts on Aotearoa New Zealand, including rising sea levels.

The key sustainability themes from 2024

Fund manager Harbour Asset Management – provider of two funds we use in our ethical portfolios – has produced a summary of the three key themes they observed in working with New Zealand companies during 2024. These are climate change, looking after people and artificial intelligence (AI) governance.

Predictions are pointless

At the beginning of every year, we’re regularly asked ‘what do you think this investment year will bring?’. Of course, we respond with ‘nobody knows, and markets are efficient so everyone’s guesses are already priced in’. But as an evidence-based firm we like to have some data to back this up.

Celebrating a decade of innovation, growth and success

At the end of 2024, Ethical Investing NZ celebrated 10 years in business – and 10 years of success. Based on his decades-long commitment to stewardship, founder Peter Lee brought together his extensive experience of “advising advisers” with his passion for ethical investing. He had a vision to set up a top-flight, professional advice firm based on principles of sustainability.

Geo-political risks and returns

In a way, “geo-political” has become the word of the year. It means the interplay on a global level of politics, markets and countries. While such events can have profound impacts on the lives of individuals, communities and nations impacted, do they matter for long term asset returns?

Ethical Investing team volunteer for nature

Ethical Investing is strongly committed to being a “good corporate citizen” in many practical ways – including volunteering at social or environmental causes. Recently the team helped out at the Kaipatiki Project Ecohub, a North Shore-based environmental initiative.

Ethical Investing’s big presence at RIAA conference

The NZ ethical investing community’s premier event is the Responsible Investment Association of Australasia (RIAA) annual conference. This year’s in mid-September saw a big presence from the Ethical Investing team – as attendees but also as presenters.

What does the drop in the Official Cash Rate mean?

Falling interest rates contain both good and bad news. They’re great if you’re a borrower, such as a business or a mortgage-holder – or the NZ government. However, if you’re someone reliant on term deposits for income, drops are not so good.

Ensuring ethical funds remain ‘fit for purpose’

Ethical investing is not a static ‘set and forget’ process. Companies that are ‘good’ one day may not remain so, and conversely companies can improve their ratings. That means the fund managers we use regularly review their holdings, replacing companies that are no longer so ethical with ones that have improved.

Benchmarking Performances

You may have heard of “benchmarks”. These are basically target returns that an investment is measured against. They are crucial tools to enable you as an investor to ask some key questions.

Taxing times for trusts

Income in a trust that’s not distributed to beneficiaries is taxed at what’s called the “trustee rate” – in effect, the trust.  Investors with family trusts will know that for some years there’s been a discrepancy between the top rate that beneficiaries pay (39%) and the tax rate for trusts (33%).

2024 – Leap year blues?

The 2023 election has come and (largely) gone. While the final makeup of the incoming government is still being decided, most commentators aren’t expecting a significant change in governmental priorities anytime soon.

What is Impact Investing?

Until recently, ethical investing primarily meant avoiding certain types of investments. However, investors are increasingly looking to actively favour industries and companies wanting to make a positive difference.

“Meet the Manager” webinar series – Pathfinder

In this “Meet the Manager” webinar, John Berry from Pathfinder shares their journey from the beginning, why they are so passionate about doing good for your pocket as well as for people and our planet. Pathfinder is a multi-award winning fund manager that have built a strong reputation for both their positive actions and their strong performance.

How can employers be more supportive of their employees?

Our director, Mark Holtom, joined Bryony Greenhalgh from Pathfinder in the recent Sustainable Business Network ‘Hot Take’ discussion to talk about some of the ways employers can be supporting their employees in this current economic climate. Here is the recording of the discussion.

Ethical Investing NZ wins award two years in a row

We were delighted to be named joint winners of the Best Ethical Financial Adviser award at the recent Mindful Money awards. This is the second year we’ve been a winner, as we won the 2022 award. While the ethical investment area continues to grow, there is still a lot of variation in what sound ethical investment means in practice.  There remains, too, public concern over greenwashing and exaggerated claims around ethical investment.

“Meet the Manager” webinar series – Betashares

In this “Meet the Manager” series we’re hosting live discussions with fund managers to cover what they do, where they’re focused and examples of companies they’re invested in.  In doing so, our clients learn more about the underlying funds where their money is invested. This month we’re talking with Betashares.

Bonds and their role in your portfolio

Bonds play an important role in all but the highest risk portfolios. They provide a predictable income stream, and typically do well in times of stress. That means they help offset declines in sharemarkets, so a portfolio that has shares and bonds will have fewer ups and downs than one which is all shares or…

Bank Bailouts

You may have read or heard over the last couple of weeks, the unfolding situation regarding two US bank failures and the subsequent impact it is having on global share markets.  These events have been unsettling, but we believe that measures taken by the banking regulators should provide comfort, and the overall impact on your…

2023: a brighter year?

“So long and good riddance to 2022”, may have been the sentiment as 2022 turned into 2023. It certainly wasn’t a great year. War, inflation, rising interest rates, and economic bottlenecks led to poor returns in most types of assets. In fact, 2022 was unusual in the sense that shares and bonds both fell simultaneously,…

In humans we believe

In humans we believe

If you have been reading or listening to any market commentary over the last 6 months, you will no doubt have heard the term “investing for the long-term”. The last few months have been a real roller coaster which has seen valuations drop, along with investment assets. Here are our thoughts.

Morning Tea with C2C COVID-19

Morning Tea with C2C: COVID-19

Listen to the client webcast we held on the 8th of April as the C2C team chat about what’s happening due to Covid-19.

Why your kids ask for financial advice in their 30s

Why your kids ask for financial advice in their 30s

Recently, one of America’s largest life insurers (New York Life) did a survey of over 2,000 people to find out what they considered to be their largest financial mistakes, and how long it took to recover from them.

Why we never sell during down markets

Why we never sell during down markets

We know you’ve heard this before – in fact, you possibly heard it the last time you were in our offices – but we thought it useful to take a moment to again state very clearly why we never sell portfolios during down markets.

What does a cow and financial planning have in common?

What does a cow and financial planning have in common?

You may recall our principal Peter Lee’s epic adventure in 2018, walking the length of Britain with his wife Val? The walk sparked a new seminar series, called “The Long Walk of Life – Seven Steps to Achieving your Goals and Making Work Optional”.

Can money buy happiness?

Can money buy happiness?

Most people seek happiness. Some economists even think happiness is the best indicator of the health of a society. However, while money can make us happier, studies show that after our basic needs are met, it doesn’t make us that much happier.

It's OK to look away

It’s OK to look away

We are emotional beings, and make financial decisions based on emotion. Here’s what it means.

Top 10 reasons to plan

Top 10 reasons to plan

Financial planning helps you determine your short and long-term financial goals and create a balanced plan to meet those goals.

Importance of planning

Importance of planning

Going through the process of constructing a financial plan is a valuable exercise for any business owner.

The smart way to be charitable

The smart way to be charitable

If you’re looking to donate in a structured way, there are definite advantages to using a donor advised fund like The Gift Trust.